

" Marketing issues are too often confused with communications. How many healthcare products and services are not adopted by their target groups for lack of solid upstream marketing work? How can we reassure investors and partners without this essential building block? "


Why Strategic and Operational Marketing?

"Strategic and operational marketing are two essential components in ensuring a company's long-term success. Strategic marketing enables a company to understand its competitive environment, the needs and expectations of its customers, as well as market opportunities and threats.
Operational marketing implements defined strategies, ensuring a constant match between the company's products/services and market needs.
Adapting to market changes, building customer loyalty, maximizing return on investment... Yes, marketing is about creating value within the company. The world of healthcare products and services needs this expertise more than any other, because this value creation is first and foremost at the service of PATIENTS. "

Founder and Managing Director IDM+

3 years already!

Marketing in orthopedics

12 years working for French and international companies dedicated to orthopedic implants, in operational and then management positions.

Health Marketing for over 20 years

Whether in operating theatres, pharmacies or design meetings, my job as a"marketer" has always been in the healthcare field. There's a common thread running through all the players in this sector: the ambition to be useful.