Terms of use

Legal information

  • Company name: IDM+
  • Legal status : SARL unipersonnelle
  • Head office address: VENON (38610)
  • Share capital: 1,000.00 euros
  • SIRET number (head office) 91501764400013
  • APE Code: Business and other management consultancy (7022Z)
  • VAT number : FR86915017644
  • RCS number: Grenoble B 915 017 644
  • Publication manager: Alexia Vagner

Copyright & reproduction rights

All content on this site is protected by French and international copyright and intellectual property laws. All reproduction rights are reserved. Reproduction of all or part of the site, in whatever form and for whatever purpose, is strictly prohibited without the express authorization of the publication director.

Site photos and visuals

All photographs and visuals on this site are not contractual. They are used to present products. Images by AdobeStock, Shutterstock and Canva.

External links

This site contains links to other sites. These sites may or may not collect personal data. Consultation of these sites and the collection and use of personal data on these sites are subject to the terms of use and personal data protection policies of the said sites.

Modification of this manual

IDM+ reserves the right to modify or update this manual at any time and without prior notice. Please consult this manual regularly.

Contact us

You can contact us in the contact section of the site for any comments or questions relating to this notice.


Design - production - content - development: IDM+ et ginette


OVH SAS is a subsidiary of OVH Groupe SAS, a company registered with the Lille Trade and Companies Registry under number 537 407 926, located at 2, rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix.

Privacy policy

In accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of European Regulation 2016/679, the collection and processing of site users' data complies with the following principles:

Legality, fairness and transparency: data may only be collected and processed with the consent of the user who owns the data.
Whenever personal data is collected, the user will be informed that his or her data is being collected, and for what purpose the data is being collected.
Limited purposes: data collection and processing are carried out to meet one or more of the purposes specified in this legal notice.
Minimization of data collection and processing: only the data necessary for the proper execution of the purposes pursued by the site are collected.
Data storage limited in time: data is stored for a limited period, of which the user is informed.
Integrity and confidentiality of data collected and processed: the data controller undertakes to guarantee the integrity and confidentiality of the data collected.

In order to be lawful, and in accordance with the requirements of Article 6 of European Regulation 2016/679, the collection and processing of personal data may only take place if they comply with at least one of the conditions listed below:

The user has expressly consented to the processing.
The processing is necessary for the proper performance of a contract.
Processing is required by law.
Processing is necessary in order to safeguard the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person.
Processing may be necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority.
The processing and collection of personal data is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate and private interests pursued by the data controller or by a third party.

Collection of personal information

We collect the following information:

  • Name
  • First name
  • E-mail address
  • Phone

Your personal information is collected via the following forms:

  • Contact form

Your information is also collected through the interactivity that may be established between you and our Web site in the following ways:

  • Statistics

We use the information collected for the following purposes:

  • Data is recorded to better respond to users' needs and to enable us to contact them again in the event of a request via the contact form.

Right of objection and withdrawal

We are committed to offering you the right to object to and withdraw your personal information.
The right to object means that Internet users may refuse to allow their personal information to be used for certain purposes mentioned at the time of collection.
The right of withdrawal is understood to be the possibility offered to Internet users to request that their personal information no longer appear, for example, on a mailing list.

To exercise these rights, you can make a request in the contact section of the website.

Right of access

We are committed to granting a right of access and rectification to the persons concerned who wish to consult, modify or even delete the information concerning them.
This right can be exercised via the contact section of the website.


The personal information we collect is kept in a secure environment for : 3 years. People working for us are required to respect the confidentiality of your information.
To ensure the security of your personal information, we use the following measures:

  • SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol
  • Access management - authorized person
  • Computer backup
  • Digital certificate development
  • Login / password

We are committed to maintaining a high degree of confidentiality by integrating the latest technological innovations to ensure the privacy of your transactions. However, since no mechanism offers maximum security, there is always an element of risk when using the Internet to transmit personal information.


We undertake to comply with the legislative provisions set out in:
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016